Exercise, not extra fries!

I hope you agree when I say exercise makes us feel great!  

For me, my feel-good hormones are released, I feel energized, even my skin gets rejuvenated as the blood rushed through it and my pores opened up.  

But, then, somehow I forget that fact almost daily and have to have other "motivators" to get me to exercise.  

To motivate myself, this is what I do:

I use planners, stickers, workout shirts, and some promise of a gift to myself after a month of exercise. 

Every day I exercise, I get a sticker.

Last month, even though I took some days off from exercise I still gave myself stickers for those days too. I figured celebrating rest is also a good idea.

These days of quarantine has me exercising at home and indoors.  I love to exercise using You Tube videos, also old fashioned DVDs.  Right now I am in the middle of completing a 30 day program called Country Heat.  Even though Country Music is not my usual choice, I am enjoying it.

Much to my happiness, one of my daughters has joined me on the sticker, planner, exercise mission.

After 30 days of exercising we get our ourselves a little reward. I got myself two tank tops to workout in.  My daughter got a couple of T-shirts.  One says, "Country Heat" with a heart on it and the other says "I love broccoli.”  So cute!  

 I would post a picture of her T-shirts, but she has already got food all over them and they are in the laundry bin.  After a successful month of exercise, we will buy ourselves exercise leggings or maybe exercise shorts since hot days are just around the corner!

This system works for me!  However, others may think stickers are silly. 

In any event, make a system or “motivators” to help you get your exercise daily.

Maybe the idea of giving yourself a reward will help!

Or, maybe, you’d prefer to purchase the exercise shirts and leggings first.  Your new workout clothes might serve as the “motivator.”  

We would love to hear your comments about what motivates you to exercise.  Remember exercise can be beneficial, enjoyable, and also fun!

I am seeing patients through phone or zoom.  Call 888-228-2126 to find out more details. My assistants, Deblynn and Glenda are standing by to receive your call and to answer any questions you may have.  


Necessary exercises in the covid-19 crisis


Supplements to take during the current health crisis