REST is the new hustle.

In our recent past, HUSTLE was the way to go. If you wanted to accomplish goals, be admired, or to advance in life, you had to outwork everyone else.  You had to get up before five a.m. and go to bed past midnight if you wanted to be a successful business executive, entrepreneur, and even a good mother.  During waking hours, you were busy, working non-stop, and maybe posting all about it on social media. 

This is known as Hustle Culture. Often in this society, it has been glorified. 

I too, fell into this trap.  I thought if I want to heal the world, I had to do more and be more. I thought that if I am busy, then that meant I was valued.  I thought if I can add one more thing to my already full plate, it meant I was powerful.  I even had a journal cover that I purchased that said “Hustle” on the front as a reminder for me to “get back on my grind” if I was “slacking”.

Now I’ve come to realize that Hustle Culture is toxic and dangerous for our well-being. 

Almost all my patients have suffered trying to participate in this Hustle Culture.  Some became exhausted and unhappy.  Some complained of the stress-induced belly fat.  Patients had their blood pressure and blood sugar reaching dangerous levels.  Almost all of them got sick. 

The new way is to trust and act on your next inspired action.  You can follow your joy, your passion, or your purpose.  Create and cultivate who you want to be by caring for yourself.  When we put our physical, mental, and emotional health first, we give our children, coworkers, team members, family, and friends permission to do the same.

The more time you take for yourself, the more you will be able to inspire and help others. The whole world gets better.

Rest, so you can actually “see” what you need to do to.  You need to rest to have happiness, vision, figure out your next move and accomplish them.  But most of all, you need to rest which is necessary for your health.

What does rest mean?

  • Going to bed earlier than the usual time.

  • Taking a day off from regular chores or activities.

  • Doing nothing.

  • Napping.

  • Reading a fiction book.

  • Engaging in a hobby like knitting or collecting stamps.

  • Doing a little home organizing.

  • Drawing and painting.

  • Visiting a museum or library.   

  • Taking a leisurely walk in the neighborhood.

  • Hiking in the woods.

  • Gardening.

  • Spending time with your friends.

  • Going to the spa.

  • Getting a massage.

  • Going out for brunch.

I know you can certainly add more to this list. What are some of your favorite ways to REST?

If you want to Age Brilliantly, REST is necessary.

Are you interested in Aging Brilliantly and ready to have an Aging Brilliantly Breakthrough Consultation? 

Click here to GET STARTED and reserve a private one-on-one virtual Aging Brilliantly Breakthrough Consultation with me, Doctor Selassie, “a doctor you can talk to!”


From Breakdown to Breakthrough


Spring greens for a spring in your step