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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

What to Do When You Feel a Cold or Flu Coming On

As a Naturopathic Doctor, I prioritize keeping my immune system strong and ready to fight off viruses and bacteria. Let me share with you the exact steps I take when I feel a virus coming on.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

Why I Love Weighted Vests

Essentially, the combination of the vest's weight and gravity helps pull minerals into the bones and therefore strengthen them.

There are also some preliminary studies showing that weighted vests can help with anxiety.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

An Apple a Day: Why Apples are a Must for the Season, and How to Enjoy Them the Right Way

There’s a reason the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" has stood the test of time. Apples are not just a delicious, convenient snack; they’re packed with nutrients that can benefit our bodies in numerous ways. From bolstering our immune system to supporting digestive health, apples offer a whole array of goodness—especially as we move into cold and flu season.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: The Truth About Seed Oils

Seed oils have been causing quite a stir in the nutritional world.

You might think how harmless can a seed be? But seed oils are nothing like their original selves. These seemingly innocent oils have been sneaking their way into our diets, even touted as “healthy options,” but this is not the truth!

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

From Sympathetic Stress to Parasympathetic Rest: The Healing Power of Celebration

We are not created to be stuck in Sympathetic Mode. In fact, we are designed to be in Parasympathetic Mode most of the time. Part of being human is to grow and heal continuously. Parasympathetic Mode allows us to conserve our strength, digest our foods, and repair our bodies from ailments, diseases, and stress.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

A Fatty Liver is Dangerous for Our Health

A Fatty Liver can pave the path to liver cirrhosis and ultimately physical demise. However, the more likely scenario will be the development of Diabetes, heart attack, or stroke. Studies have illuminated a remarkable fact, that within a span of 10 to 21 days, we possess the power to significantly alter the health of our liver in a negative or positive way. Read here to learn how.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

Irish Sea Moss: Powerful and Nutritious

Sea Moss and Irish Moss are powerful, nutritious, and have a long history of use. Read here to learn how to prep it into gel and then use it to make a delicious traditional drink.

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

An Introductory Guide to Edible Seaweed

Read here for an Introductory Guide to Edible Seaweed. Learn about the different nutritionally dense types of seaweed, how to prepare, and where to purchase them. Add nutrition for your bones, ligaments, tendons, thyroid, nerves, skin, and so much more!

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Patricia Pimentel Selassie Patricia Pimentel Selassie

Routines Reduce Chronic Disease

Women in their 50s who establish a consistent routine tend to have better sleep quality, improved cognitive function, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

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Sammi Woollard Sammi Woollard

REST is the new hustle.

This is known as Hustle Culture. Often in this society, it has been glorified. I’ve come to realize that Hustle Culture is toxic and dangerous for our well-being.

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